No implicit cast for enums?


I just wanted to ask: Is there no implicit cast for enums in general? It is not listed here in the documentation ( and my example from below requires an explicit cast.

package main

import "core:fmt"

main :: proc() {
	OpCode :: enum u8 {

	code: [dynamic]u8

	append(&code, OpCode.OP_RETURN) // this doesn't work
	append(&code, cast(u8)OpCode.OP_RETURN) // requires explicit cast

	fmt.printf("%d", code[0])
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Yes, you must cast enums.

My original reply contained a link to the implicit type conversions, but my brain completely blanked that you already linked it and checked it out. :sweat_smile:
I am a selective reader.

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Thanks, great to know :slight_smile:

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The general rule in Odin is to assume there are no implicit casts whatsoever.


This is actually quite nice since it makes a lot of things more intuitive.

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