How to contribute static C libraries?

Vendor collection provides bindings to 3rd part C code and ships .so / .a files of those libraries along the way. I am playing with Odin on FreeBSD and I find that there are no pre-built linkable objects for FreeBSD in the vendor collection.

Please explain/document the process of contributing prebiult C code in a form of .so/.a files.
I can build an shared or static library but I wonder what compilation options I should and shouldn’t use to maintain consistency with the rest of the vendor collection.

You can build that library into static or dynamic library (in windows, dll, in linux is .so, in macOS is dylib, i don’t know what in freeBSD)

and then you can create odin files, and import all structs, enums, and functions inside that library’s header files using odin’s foreign import

i doing this for create libuv bindings, go check out on my github repo:

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Hey @Akmal4163
I know. This is not what the question was. The question is “how a static library for a given OS should be built such that it is accepted into the vendor collection?”

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Oh, i’m sorry i thought you ask on how to create bindings, my bad

You can follow the proposal process

and our beloved Ginger Bill will decide your fate

We’ll be pretty hesitant in accepting binary from contributors out of the “core” group. Probably better to just make an issue with your request.

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