Are there still efforts in progress to replace LLVM?

A couple years ago, it sounded like there were efforts in progress to replace Odin’s LLVM backend, but I’ve not seen any updates about that in a while. So two questions:

  • Are the efforts ongoing, or are they currently stalled.
  • If ongoing, is the backend being built entirely from scratch, or is it dependent on other projects?

There was some talk of using Tilde/Cuik last year, (see July 2023 newsletter) but there doesn’t seem to be much activity on that project in recent months.

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Tilde/cuik is developed in the new-cg branch, there is lots of activity there (for a one man show). It’s still planned as the way forward when it’s stable enough.


Ah, excellent. I didn’t think to check the branches for some reason. Thanks.