Shift elements right

I’ve been using Odin for a week and making my first project in it, so I might be missing something from core library, but is there a builtin function to shift elements to the right in a slice? This kind of function is useful to delete elements based on a predicate similar to C++'s erase+remove idiom. At the moment, I implement this manually:

slice_shift_right_proc :: proc(xs: $S/[]$T, predicate: proc(x: T) -> bool) -> int {
	first, found := slice.linear_search_proc(xs, predicate)
	last := len(xs)

	if found && first != last {
		for i := first; true; {
			if !predicate(xs[i]) {
				xs[first] = xs[i]
				first += 1

			i += 1
			if i >= last do break

		return first

	return -1

You mean this: rotate_right ?