How long have you been using Odin?

Are you new to the language, or have you been around for a long time? How has time shaped your experience? Were there any insightful moments where you overcame something that was confusing at the start?

  • 0-3 months
  • 3-6 months
  • 6 months to 1 year
  • ~2 years
  • 3+ years
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1 week at this point, first project was pong using vendor:raylib.


You should have separated 3-10 years and 10+ years, to catch funny guys who have used Odin for longer than bill.


I can’t exactly say how much Odin has shaped my experience in the short time I’ve been using it.

However, I was in a bit of a slump with C. I program purely for my own pleasure and C had been slowly draining my will to code due to just little hang ups here and there. The sort of things that don’t kill your spirit at once, but slowly sap at you.

Odin has expertly dashed asunder all the problem points with C so far. I’m having lots of fun again, and that means a lot to me.

Maybe in the future when I’ve used the language for a lot longer I’ll actually have something more insightful to say.


Like a week or so.
Loving the language so far

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