What is being worked on

  • Replacing os with os2. One major blocker to this that I’m slowly overcoming.
  • Considering new data structures for inclusion into core after having read some interesting papers… If only I had more time.
  • Vectorizing memory operations. Have to get back to that PR one day.
  • core:archive/tar, currently way back in the queue.

The start of core:archive/tar led me down an Alice in Wonderland-class rabbit hole of all of the above, truly.

There’s a bit in the TAR spec where you check for a big chunk of zeros, right. So that got me interested in SIMD vectorization for fast compares. That led to vectorizing index_byte (with much thanks and help from @yawning), which also led to investigating vectorizing memory ops. All of this led up to finding bugs in core:io which resulted in the test suite which found a handful of bugs. All of that built up to investigating the state of os2 which led to my current struggle.

All for a tape archive.