Welcome to the Odin Programming Language Forum! πŸ‘‹

Glad to finally see this. A dedicated forum is absolutely the best way to go. As others mentioned, discord could go away at any moment, and searching there is a pain. So much great posts/content/info locked away in the infinite scroll.

Happy to be here and to help Odin grow :slight_smile:


hellope to everyone :south_africa:


New Odin user here,
I’m a tinkerer at heart.
I’m very excited about the newer system languages coming out.

My interest is Micro-Controllers (Robotics, RC etc) ~ electronics in general as we all probably share an interest in such things.

Odin as Batteries included was the tipping point choosing the language.
I’m looking for a way to integrate Odin into Micro Controllers, PlatformIO has a really convenient interface with support Many Micros, and I will see if there a solution can be found there.

My secondary interest has been Soil Food Web which deals with Biological systems in Soils (Soon to be enrolling in the Lab Tech classes ~ 2025 Goals) Maybe we can get Computers to do the dreaded tasks that most of us don’t want to do :smiley: and explore more of our own interests, well Dreams :smiley:

Now how do I compile this example .odin file :smiley: