In my case I often come across wanting this whenever one proc contains multiple proc calls of the same package which return the same error. Looked in my quick-scripts in Odin and here are few examples (disclaimer: I consider myself a begginner in Odin):
// here open_err, dir_err could be the same err
walk_proc :: proc(info: os.File_Info, in_err: os.Errno, user_data: rawptr) -> (err: os.Errno, skip_dir: bool) {
handle, open_err :=, os.O_RDONLY)
if (open_err != 0) {
fmt.eprintf("error opening directory: %s, error=%d", info.fullpath, open_err)
return 0, true
files, dir_err := os.read_dir(handle, -1)
if (dir_err != 0) {
fmt.eprintf("error reading directory: %s, error=%d", info.fullpath, dir_err)
return 0, true
// ...
Another one (with asserts, but could be proper error handling):
create_mock_users :: proc() -> []User {
year, month, _ :=
day, err_month := dt.last_day_of_month(year, month)
assert(err_month == .None)
epoch_date, err_components := dt.components_to_date(2023, 11, 30)
assert(err_components == .None)
// ...
Another one I had somewhere is making multiple http calls each of which returns (response, err)
. Etc, etc.